Friday, May 21, 2021


    Today we are doing something different and writing the blog posts the beginning of class. We usually write them at the end or after class. The final was pretty easy. It was a good opportunity for grades to go up a little. Blog posts are also an easy grade. I had never seen a teacher do anything like this until this year. My advice for an incoming AP language student is pay attention and do ALL the work. I wouldn’t recommend taking this class virtually, i’m sure it’s way better & way more helpful in person. Also, write all the notes down. It’s easier to get through the class if you have something to refer back to.

Thursday, May 20, 2021


    Today was another easy day. We continued talking about the project. We went over everything else that needs to be done. Class was short today. We got let out a little early.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021


    Today went by very quick. We got released early do it went by even quicker. We are near the end of the school year so we aren’t doing very much work. Lots of people were absent from class yesterday so Mr. Rease took time out to explain the project again. We then continued talking about the project and what needs to be done. 

Monday, May 17, 2021


   Today was an easy day. We are coming towards the end of the year so we don’t have much work. We received a career related project. We talked about the project and how the rest of the year is going to go. Today was simple and easy.

Friday, May 14, 2021


 Today was pretty fun and it went by quick. I had a good day because its Friday. I’m happy because school is letting out soon. We played a kahoot game, i made 6th place. I’m not sure how the class could improve since we were doing virtual so my opinion isn’t really valid.


   Today we didn’t have class but we took the AP exam. The test wasn’t as hard as I thought it was going to be. I wasn’t really prepared for the test because I was so tired. I ordered some melatonin before the test but it didn’t come in time. I did good with my first and third essay but i didn’t finish the second essay. The Ap exam seemed easier than all the essays we’ve done in class.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021


    Today was an easy day. It went by even quicker than yesterday. We continued talking about the AP exam and test strategies. We continued doing the 1 on 1 conferences with Mr. Rease. Although he didn’t get to me I’m still going to go into the exam with confidence.


    Today we are doing something different and writing the blog posts the beginning of class. We usually write them at the end or after clas...