Friday, April 30, 2021


    Today went by very quickly. Mr. Rease allowed those of us who didn't do yesterday's blog post to do it in class in place of the bell ringer. He allowed my classmates to share their experiences with the AP mock exam. The discussion took up most of the class period. Mr. Rease dismissed class about 20 minutes early.


    Yesterday was April 29. I didn’t do my mock exam for personal reasons. I was coming to the school to do it then I was suddenly unable to. I hope everyone else did a good job. Hopefully everyone passes the AP exam.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021


      Today was just like yesterday. We didn't have an opening and we went straight into class. We asked questions and Mr. Rease answered them. Once again, everyone's questions were helpful. Alot of my classmates and I had the same questions again.

Monday, April 26, 2021


 Today was good and it went by fast. We did an opening. The opening consisted of questions about openings and three point thesis statements. Mr. Rease told us to ask questions and he answered all of them. This was really helpful. A lot of my classmates had the same questions as me.

Friday, April 23, 2021


    Today is Friday so I automatically had a good day. Class went by pretty fast today. We did not have a bell ringer , we went straight into the lesson. We reviewed for a little & then asked any questions we had. We then went to AP classroom to do our assignment. Honestly, I am struggling. I'm not sure if my ADD is the issue or what but I've never had any issues with ELA/writing/literature. Its terrible because this is my favorite subject and its what I use to be good at. All in all, I had a good day.


    Today's class went by pretty fast. Maybe because we did an in class reading. We went by last names and Mr Rease started at the bottom of the list. My last name is Tolbert so i was the 2nd or 3rd person to read. I actually liked the speech we read. Doing work is so much better when you like what you are doing, in this case when you like what you're reading. Everyone was pretty much paying attention. Everyone he called on read and it went by quick.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021


 Today went by very slow. We didn't have a bell ringer to do we just went straight into the lesson. We took a lot of good notes and Mr. Rease reshowed us strategies for writing rhetorical essays. Today wasn't that hard at all.

Monday, April 19, 2021


    Today went by pretty quick. Mr. Rease explained the AP testing and how its going to work. We did a practice essay on AP classroom. I feel like I've done this same exact essay before but I'm not sure. After class I talked to Mr. Rease and that was it. Today was pretty easy.

Thursday, April 15, 2021


 Today went by pretty slow. We didn't go into groups today. We talked about the AP exam and the days leading up to it. Mr. Rease showed us a calendar and it really made me see how fast 2nd semester is moving. After that we just reviewed. We went over Rhetorical Analysis and took notes. Overall, today was good.


    Today was stressful. I couldn't really do any work because I couldn't upload my sources. Anyway, my group is getting a lot of work done. We have an easy topic. My group members really work well together.

Tuesday, April 13, 2021


 Class went by fast today. Honestly, I’ve been struggling. My chrome book isn’t working and I’ve been trying to do everything with my phone. It’s so much harder and it’s stressing me out. I had a hard time trying to put my sources in the folder. I was actually having a break down. One of my group mates was helping me but it wasn’t working. I did the work but I don’t know how to put it in the folder. Very annoying.

Thursday, April 1, 2021


 To be honest, I went to sleep today in class. I have really bad allergies and I took the drowsy medicine instead of non drowsy. I tried really hard to stay up but nothing worked. I did ask one of my group members what we did. I'm trying to get all my work done before Sunday, before Spring Break.


    Today we are doing something different and writing the blog posts the beginning of class. We usually write them at the end or after clas...