Tuesday, March 30, 2021


    Today was pretty good. We skipped the bell ringer and went straight into our group work. My group runs pretty smoothly. We all did our work and got it over with. Anyway, I'm glad tomorrow is Wednesday. I have a lot of work to catch up on and a lot of work I would like to complete so I don't have a lot of work to do over spring break.

Monday, March 29, 2021


 Today's class went by pretty quick. I liked today's bell ringer. Mr. Rease comes up with pretty interesting questions that actually make you think. We then went into groups and we did our work. I got put into a good group and we got all of the work done pretty quickly. We completed everything before class ended and then class was over.

Friday, March 26, 2021


 Today was an Asynchronous day. We only had to do Vocabulary work. I didn't finish the paragraph part of the work because I had to get ready for work but I'm going to finish it tonight. I also got a chance to sleep during my lunch up until around 2:15. I love asynchronous days. Its better for me and I'm pretty sure everyone else would agree.


 Today class was really good. It was good to see everyone's videos and to see what they came up with. I really liked the assignment we did.It was really easy and fun to do. It didn't take me long to find the videos at all. I love assignments like this.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021


Today’s class went by pretty quick. Class ended very early today and I'm definitely glad it did because I was tired and had to get ready for work.Today we didn't have a Bell ringer so class went by even quicker. We went over our paragraphs from last week. I don’t think anyone did too bad on theirs but I definitely think the concept isn’t full grasped.

Monday, March 22, 2021


 Today went by pretty quick. We took a bell ringer poll and we got decide what we wanted to go over in class today. I forgot what I chose but what I voted for didn’t win. We went over a writing prompt about GMO foods and the other one was talking about social media and whether employers and businesses should factor that in while making the hiring decision or judging them based off of it. We also talked about how social media reflects you.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021


    Today was pretty boring. I loved the Bell Ringer today. I like when teachers actually want to know what students think. Either way, I didn't get much from the class because my mom needed me. The only thing I can really talk about is the Bell Ringer. Today's bell ringer was probably my favorite.

Monday, March 15, 2021


 Today was a good day. We went over argumentative essays again. We went more into depth about claim and evidence. We also talked about public libraries. Mr. Rease asked a question about how many times we had been to the library in the last 3 years. The question really got me to thinking, I never go to the library for me. In the summer, my brother has a summer reading list and we have to get the books from the library. I started thinking about how in elementary school we actually did summer reading and now we don’t, so there’s is no reason for me to go to the public libra except for when it’s for my brother.

Friday, March 12, 2021


 Today was an easy day. It went by very quickly. All we did was go over our test scores and review the lesson from yesterday. Sadly, I didn’t get to see my scores because I had to step away from my computer for a moment for an emergency. Either way, class was good and it ended fast which was even better. I had a great day and I got to sleep an extra 2 hours until it was time for me to go to work.

Thursday, March 11, 2021


     I liked today's class. I liked the Bell Ringer, I was on the topic whether a college education was worth it or not. I think that a college education can further you in life but it isn't necessary. We also went over synthesis essays. At that point I had lost interest in class and was ready to go.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021


    Today’s class was pretty easy. We went over apostrophes and semi-colons. I got 100s on each assignment we did on Google Classroom. I like work like this. It reminds me of elementary school. When I was in second or third grade we did these same exact same assignments. I think I’m pretty good when it comes to using the right punctuation though, I’m sure that I’ve made mistakes in my essays but overall it’s not hard.

Friday, March 5, 2021


    Today was a good day. I was getting mad because my Bell Ringer wasn’t working and it seems like it’s always a problem when I’m trying to do my work. Some days it’s the wifi but today it was saying I didn’t have permission to do the bell ringer. Either way, class went by pretty quick today. We went over everyone’s thesis statements and there were only a few that were correct. Mine wasn’t even a thesis statement, Mr. Rease said it was a claim.... after that class went by quick.

Thursday, March 4, 2021


    Today was horrible for me.... I planned my essay and it took me like 12 minutes. I honestly feel like I did horrible. It was all hard for me. I use to be able to write essays like it was nothing but now I find myself being stuck almost every step of the way. 

Tuesday, March 2, 2021


    Class was good today and I liked the lesson. We went into depth about evidence. We went over a crime case to get a better understanding of evidence. I definitely got a better understanding. I love watching trials and court cases. Honestly, I love anything to do with law so I was interested in class today. 


    Today we are doing something different and writing the blog posts the beginning of class. We usually write them at the end or after clas...